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A member registered Nov 30, 2020

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is there a way to change middle mouse click to something else? I'm on laptop and my touchpad doesn't have a middle mouse key.

69 megabytes


Hey, when I try to open the game, it opens a window for a split second, then the window immediately closes. I'm on Windows 8.1, btw. Might just happen cause my PC's a potato though.

yeah, scratch is pretty good for beginners and just messing around, but kinda limited in the actual coding thing. but, even with that, touhou is fairly easy to do on scratch, after you get the game mechanics done. i've seen better.  

to the dev: try danmakufu, it's a lot better than scratch if you wanna make touhou style games.

(2 edits)

So, I disabled the animation for breeding, then re enabled it, but it still won't show the animations?

EDIT; After a bit of testing ive found that so far only cece and luna + luna  and main character have animations.